Saturday, July 21, 2012

Inilah Lima Penyesalan Terbesar Menjelang Ajal

Penulis ingin menitikberatkan di point #2 sesuai dengan tujuan blog ini.

Bekerjalah dengan waktu aktivitas yang wajar, dan berikan waktu yang berkualitas & berkuantitas untuk anak.

Selamat bekerja  :)

5 penyesalan terbesar tersebut adalah:

1. Coba dulu saya punya keberanian hidup seperti yang saya kehendaki, 
bukan berdasarkan/mengikuti harapan orang lain. Ini adalah bentuk penyesalan paling umum. Ketika orang sedang di saat-saat terakhir kehidupan mereka dan kemudian melihat ke belakang, dengan mudah mereka melihat banyak mimpi yang tidak menjadi kenyataan. Kebanyakan orang bahkan tidak bisa mencapai separuh dari mimpi mereka, dan itu disebabkan karena pilihan atau ketidakberanian mengambil pilihan yang ada.
2. Coba dulu saya tidak bekerja terlalu keras. 
 Ini muncul dari semua pasien laki-laki. Mereka kehilangan masa muda anak-anak mereka dan juga pertemanan dengan istri. Wanita juga menyampaikan penyesalan serupa. Semua pria menyatakan perasaan sedihnya menghabiskan waktu terlalu banyak di tempat kerja.
3. Coba dulu saya memiliki keberanian menyampaikan seluruh perasaan saya.
Banyak orang menekan perasaan sendiri karena tidak mau terlibat pertengkaran atau konflik dengan hang lain. Akibatnya, mereka tidak bisa berkembang maksimal. Banyak juga kemudian mengidap penyakit karena menahan perasaan tersebut yang kemudian berkembang menjadi rasa benci yang terpendam.
4. Coba dulu saya tetap membina hubungan dengan teman-teman.
Kadang mereka masih tidak mendapatkan manfaat penuh keberadaan teman-teman lama, sampai di akhir-akhir hari kematian mereka. Memang juga mencari kembali teman-teman lama bukan hal yang gampang. Kebanyakan kita sibuk dengan kehidupan kita sendiri sehingga kita membiarkan persahabatan lama perlahan menghilang. Penyesalan sering timbul karena dulunya kita tidak memberikan perhatian lebih serius ke soal pertemanan tersebut. Semua orang rindu dengan teman-teman lama ketika mereka sedang sekarat.
5. Coba dulu saya membuat hidup saya lebih bahagia.
Perasaan ini paling sering mengemuka. Banyak yang tidak menyadari sampai akhir hayat bahwa kebahagiaan itu adalah pilihan. Mereka biasanya terjebak dalam pola dan kebiasaan lama. Sikap takut akan perubahan membuat kita kadang berperilaku atau berpura-pura terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain bahwa kita bahagia atau puas.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

11 Hal Yang Bisa Membuat Bayi Tersenyum

Beberapa bayi memang pada dasarnya sudah sangat ramah dan senang senyum. Tetapi, sebagian lagi butuh sedikit "godaan" untuk membuatnya tersenyum. Berikut adalah hal-hal yang bisa bikin bayi tersenyum kepada Anda.

1. Petak umpet

Ini adalah tindakan paling disukai bayi. Gunakan selimut favoritnya untuk menyembunyikan wajah Anda, lalu kagetkan ia dengan muncul mendadak, atau cukup gunakan tangan Anda. Kejutan ringan akan membuatnya tersenyum jika tidak terbahak-bahak.

2. Tiup perut
Bayi-bayi amat suka sentuhan. Meniupkan angin dengan mulut Anda menempel akan menimbulkan bunyi-bunyian dan rasa geli pada kulitnya. Lakukan hal tersebut pada perut, tangan, atau telapak kakinya. Tak lama, ia akan mencoba mengikuti Anda melakukan bunyi-bunyian dengan mulutnya sendiri.

3. Berpura-pura makan jari tangan dan kakinya
Bayi sangat suka ketika orangtuanya berpura-pura mengisap jari-jarinya, bahkan anak-anak usia 2 tahun juga suka diperlakukan begini.

4. Buat gelembung-gelembung
Bayi sangat tertarik akan bentuk menarik gelembung yang melayang-layang. Jika Anda melihat kelas berisi bayi-bayi kecil yang ditiupkan balon, Anda akan melihat si bayi-bayi akan berusaha menggapai gelembung tersebut dan memegangnya. Pastikan bahan gelembung tiup itu cukup aman untuk bayi Anda. Biasanya tiup gelembung ini bisa dimainkan bersama anak yang sudah cukup besar.

5. Bersama keluarga
Bayi akan merasa lebih senang ketika ia bisa melihat anggota keluarga lain. Entah itu kakaknya, ayahnya, kakeknya, atau neneknya, tetapi pastikan jangan terlalu ramai. Suara yang terlalu ramai bisa membuatnya merasa tidak nyaman atau terlalu berisik.

6. Gerakan main-main
Bayi sangat suka perhatian, dan memainkan muka Anda di depannya entah seberapa memalukan, ia akan tersenyum dan tertawa. Bahkan bersin di depannya pun bisa membuatnya tertawa geli. Tak heran banyak orangtua memainkan wajah konyol dan aneh di depan anaknya.

7. Karakter favorit
Anak-anak suka mainan berbulu halus, berwarna terang, dan bisa mengeluarkan suara-suara lucu. Tak heran boneka Elmo yang bisa mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyian laku terjual di pasaran. Boneka dari karakter kesukaan akan membuat si kecil tersenyum.

8. Lagu dan musik
Bayi sangat suka musik dan lagu. "Repetisi adalah kunci untuk membuat si kecil mengenal dan suka musiknya," terang dr Natalie Geary, dokter anak dari New York. Bayi suka melihat, melakukan, dan mendengar dalam waktu bersamaan supaya mereka bisa melepaskan rasa kesal dan bisa mengalami serunya mengalami dan mencoba sesuatu. Jika Anda tersenyum dan terlihat senang dari lagu atau permainan, kemudian mengulangi terus, lama kelamaan ia akan suka juga.

9. Peliharaan

Selain boneka, binatang peliharaan ternyata juga bisa membuat anak tersenyum. Namun, untuk bayi yang masih terlalu kecil, tidak disarankan untuk membawanya dekat dengan binatang peliharaan. Karena bayi masih belum memiliki daya tahan tubuh yang bisa melawan banyak kuman atau virus. Cukup membuatnya melihat binatang dari jauh saja.

10. Menirukan suara binatang

Bayi-bayi senang mendengar suara-suara lucu. Coba ikuti suara-suara bermacam binatang, seperti suara kuda, babi, burung, atau monyet. Jangankan si kecil, pasangan Anda juga mungkin akan ikut-ikutan tertawa.

11. Jika semua gagal, saatnya mengelitiki
Mengelitiki bayi dengan lembut sudah pasti bisa membuatnya tersenyum dan tertawa. Ini juga penting untuk membangun ikatan sentuh dan kedekatan. Sentuhan adalah hal yang penting untuk membuat si bayi tahu bahwa orang yang menjaganya benar-benar fokus padanya, ia pun akan merasa aman dan nyaman.

source: kompas

Friday, December 2, 2011

13 Things For Your Child To Do (Instead Of Watch Tv)

C'mon, admit it. You sometimes use the television set as a cheap babysitter. That's ok...we ALL do it sometimes! Ah, but it's a double-edged sword, because kids who watch a lot of TV have trouble keeping themselves entertained, which in the long run makes your job harder!

If you're trying to limit the TV viewing in your household, you might need a little inspiration. Try these TV-free activities guaranteed to keep the kids busy... at least for a little while!

1) Make paper airplanes
Warning: This one is highly addictive! My two boys absolutely love making paper airplanes. Buy them a book on the fine arts of paper airplane making, and then put your feet up and read a book.

2) Make a tower with toothpicks and peas
Go ahead- encourage them to play with their food!

3) Make homemade ice cream
Put two parts milk and cream and one part sugar in a coffee can, with any flavorings you want. Put the lid on, then put it in a bigger can and pour ice around the little can. Put rock salt on the ice. Put a lid on the big can, and give it to your child to roll it back and forth for about 1/2 hour or until it turns into ice cream! (Do this one even if it's winter...I won't tell!)

4) Give them a magnet and instruct them to run it all over the house and see what they find.
And loose couch change is fair game!

5) If you have bunk beds, put blankets around the lower one and make a submarine. Make it a yellow blanket. Then sing the appropriate Beatles tune.

6) Play First Family Savings and Loan
Save your cancelled checks and fake credit cards that come in the mail. Supply the kids with a calculator, pencils, small table and Monopoly money. This one was my favorite as a kid!

7) Build a mini log cabin with twigs

8) Have a tic-tac-toe tournament

9) Make your own soda.
Here's an easy recipe:

10) Make a card for Grandma.
Get out the rubber stamps, art supplies and construction paper and make a greeting card for Grandma or another loved one.

11) Bake a cake
Buy the kids an easy cake or brownie mix and let them loose in the kitchen. Tell them they can enjoy the fruits of their labors as long as they clean up all mess.

12) Make up a treasure hunt
Buy cheap dollar store toys. Hide in your closet. Make a list of items they must find outside. (A white rock, a feather, a red leaf, a penny, etc) Tell them an exciting booty awaits when they bring all the items to you.

13) Make a cave inside the house.
Put old blankets over the backs of chairs or over a table to make a tent. Grab a flashlight and instruct child to go read scary stories inside it.

Friday, November 25, 2011

DNA Paternity Tests: Home Testing or Lab Testing?

The words "DNA testing" are most commonly associated with DNA paternity testing. We hear the term most often on television talk shows or perhaps in television courtrooms.

Paternity means fatherhood. Paternity is established when a paternity testing laboratory uses genetic testing methods to demonstrate that an alleged father is the biological father of a child. These DNA paternity tests are performed to a legal standard. Paternity is disproved when these same methods and standards demonstrate that an alleged father is not the biological father.

DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic material in the cells of your body that govern inheritance of the color of your hair, eye color, your build, bone density and many other human and animal traits. DNA is a long, but narrow string-like object. A one-foot long string or strand of DNA is normally packed into a space roughly equal to a cube 1-millionth of an inch on a side. Not only does the human body rely on DNA but also so do most living things, including plants, animals and bacteria.

Every nucleated cell has 46 chromosomes, except the sperm cells from the man and the egg of the woman that only contain 23 chromosomes each. At the moment of conception, there are 46 chromosomes necessary to create a person. Thus, a person receives half of his/her genetic material or DNA from the biological mother, and the other half from the biological father.
Our body's cells each contain a complete sample of our DNA. There are muscle cells, brain cells, liver cells, blood cells, sperm cells and others. Basically, every part of the body is made up of these tiny cells and each contains a sample or complement of DNA identical to that of every other cell within a given person.

Every person's DNA is unique except for identical twins. Since it is so specific, just like a fingerprint, DNA paternity testing is the most powerful form of testing. DNA paternity testing is much more than a blood test. It can be performed on a much wider variety of samples, including blood cells, cheek cells, tissue samples, and semen. Since blood types, such as A, B, O, and Rh are more common within the general population; the power to differentiate individuals is not as high as with DNA paternity testing. Typical DNA test results are often 10 to 100 times more accurate than what the courts require.

Years ago, DNA testing required laboratory presence; however, there are now numerous types of home DNA tests available for use. These DNA test kits are available by direct shopping, mail order or online. The cost for these home DNA tests varies, depending on your specific desires. With a little research, you can even find a free DNA test. Most home DNA test kits are basically the same and are easy to use. For example, a basic, easy to use DNA paternity test kit may cost approximately $200.00. This low-cost DNA test kit is often used for proving paternity to a doubting father or for people who are simply looking for confirmation and peace of mind.

For approximately $225.00, a DNA test providing over 10 times more accuracy than the basic DNA test kit is available. Those with serious doubts concerning paternity and who want a higher accuracy rate than the basic DNA test kit commonly use this kit. Again, popular for those people who want that extra accuracy rating for peace of mind.

For those who simply have to have the best and are willing to pay for it, there is a higher accuracy rate DNA test kit available. This enables the parties to obtain an impressive accuracy rate that is offered by very few labs in the world. Keep in mind that DNA testing in itself is 99.999% accurate. The increased costs reflect the laboratory and higher accuracy rate of the type of test.

Another home DNA test will include testing for the mother, alleged father, and child. This will cost around $300.00. The mother does not have to be tested but is recommended if she is available (the price is the same). DNA paternity testing is so powerful that testing can be performed when the mother is not available.

Along with DNA paternity testing, a common use is the legal DNA test, i.e. to assist in matters of changing birth records, immigration issues, and inheritance issues. The average cost of this legal DNA test may cost approximately $400.00. The price structure of these kits depends on how many people are being tested. For example, mother, father and number of children. The cost to test each additional child can be anywhere from $150.00 to $175.00 per test.

Each DNA test kit listed above uses almost the exact same technique. Tests with higher accuracy involve testing more regions (parts) of each persons DNA. This extra work provides more information, and more accuracy – thus a higher, impressive accuracy rating.

With the home DNA test kit, it is recommended that samples be taken and sent to the lab within two weeks of each other (for best results). Samples have been tested up to 1 year old with positive results.

There are no age restrictions with DNA paternity testing. It used to be common procedure that only people over the age of 6 months could be tested. This was mainly due to the difficulty of drawing blood from small infants. In addition, a large sample, usually two big tubes of blood, was required. This would be very difficult on a small child. This is no longer the case. In fact, for paternity and custody issues, DNA testing can be done using buccal (cheek) swabs or umbilical cord blood collected at birth can be used and does allow for rapid and reliable testing regardless of age. Since the DNA is the same in every cell of the body, the accuracy of testing performed on cheek cells collected with a swab is the same as using the blood. The sample is collected by using a buccal swab and gently massaging the inside of the mouth. DNA can be extracted from this sample. This procedure is non-invasive and painless. This is the method used by the home DNA test kit.

However, DNA paternity testing only requires a few drops of blood (1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon), or cheek cells collected by swabbing the mouth. This small amount of blood, or cheek swab, permits the easier testing of newborns and infants. Being that DNA is set at conception, a paternity test can be performed before the child is born, through Chorionic Villi Sampling (CVS) or Amniocentesis.

DNA Paternity testing can also be performed using post-mortem specimens collected by the coroner's office. A paternity test can be done when that person is deceased or missing by reconstructing his/her DNA patterns with samples from the deceased's biological relatives.

A DNA paternity test is the most accurate form of paternity testing possible. If the DNA patterns between the child and the alleged father do not match on two or more DNA probes, then that alleged father is 100% excluded which means he has a 0% probability of paternity – it is not possible that he can be the biological father of the child.

5 Ways to Keep Your Kids From Getting Sick

Teachers are finding it more of a challenge than ever to keep their classrooms healthy and clean for students, according to a recent survey of teachers.

The survey found that 90 percent of teachers think it is "common for students to come to school sick." Only about 30 percent said their schools' custodial staff disinfects the classrooms regularly.

"Germs are frequently spread through surface contact yet many teachers do not have the time or the tools to combat these germs," said Dr. Paul S. Horowitz, medical director of the Legacy Emanuel Children's Hospital pediatric and adolescent clinics in Portland, Ore. "This discrepancy can directly impact the health and wellness of both students and teachers."

More than 70 percent of teachers said they have missed school because of an illness they believe they caught from one of their students. The survey was conducted by the children's publisher Scholastic and released during an American Medical Association and National PTA media briefing on children's health.

Encouraging children to live a healthy lifestyle outside the classroom is important in illness prevention, said Janis Hootman, a registered nurse and immediate past president of the National Association of School Nurses.

"Children's health habits away from school have a direct impact on what happens to them and their classmates during school," Hootman said.

Doctors offer the following tips for parents:

* Make sure that your kids wash their hands. This is the single most effective method for disease prevention. Hands should be scrubbed for 10 to 15 seconds.

* Don't allow your children to share utensils. Although learning to share is important, this shouldn't apply to cups, glasses or eating utensils.

* Make sure your children get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation stresses the immune system. Most children need at least eight hours of sleep per night.

* Allow for a full recovery. Do not send your kids to school when they are sick.

* Keep your children up-to-date on vaccines. New vaccines guard against an array of dangerous illnesses, including meningitis.

"We've come so far in protecting public health as a result of widespread immunizations," said Dr. Walter A. Orenstein, associate director of the Emory Vaccine Center in Atlanta, Ga. "We protect each other by vaccinating our children."

Get Dad Involved in Breastfeeding

Many fathers feel excluded from parenting their children during the first initial stages of life. This feeling of exclusion and helplessness is exacerbated by mother breastfeeding her baby. So, can a father get more involved when it comes to feeding his baby? The answer is, yes.

The number one thing a dad can do to get involved is to support mom. At times, both parents will feel very tired when caring for the newborn infant, the mother especially. This is why it's so important for the dad to support mom. So, exactly how does dad provide support? The most obvious thing to do is chores: preparing meals, cleaning house, laundry etc. He can also directly help take care of the baby by changing its diaper, bathing and burbing. But the most important thing he can do is to provide emotional support. To listen to what his partner is saying and to let her know how pleased he is with her as a mother. A new mother needs support at this time of life more than at any other time.

A dad can also get involved with feeding his child, even though mom is breastfeeding. A mother can express her milk and store it for later use. The baby can then be fed mom's milk with a bottle at a later time. No reason why dad can't do this. In fact it can be a real benefit to the mother during those nighttime feeds as she can stay in bed and catch up on some sleep while dad does the feeding.

Breastfeeding can be a 'selfish' activity for a mother. A lot of women who breastfeed, cherish the intimacy between mom and baby. Breastfeeding can be the most intimate experience for a woman; a physical bond between two people where one is nurturing the other in the most fundamental way. So, it's understandable that some mothers are reluctant to hand over feeding of their baby to someone else, even if it is the baby's father. But, if the father is feeling somewhat left-out-of-things then perhaps it's time to let the father bottle feed the baby with the mother's expressed milk. The level of intimacy they feel toward their baby when feeding surprises most fathers.

A be patient with dad. When he first starts to bottle feed his child he is bound to feel a little unsure of how best to do things. Show him how to hold the baby; how to soothe; how to notice signs of when the baby is hungry and when he's satiated. Soon, with a little gentle instruction, he'll be feeding baby as good as mom. And, he'll probably exchange notes with mom on the little improvements the baby is making at feeding time.

A couple raising a child need to approach it as a team effort. Sometimes, both mom and dad do things together and sometimes they swap roles. Flexibility is key. When one of the parents is feeling too tired, or fed up to take care of baby, the other can step in, thereby giving the other a rest. This swapping and sharing responsibilities can also include breastfeeding.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's Baby Bath Time!

Baby's first bath. It can be a little unnerving, especially if you are a new mother and never given a newborn a bath. Don't worry though, you'll do just fine. Mothers have been giving babies a bath since the beginning of time. Today is much safer with all the new types of tubs designed just for infants and toddlers. And many babies love getting a bath!

Your newborn should just get sponge baths for the first couple of weeks at home or until the umbilical cord heals. Since your baby doesn't need a bath every day, you can give sponge baths twice a week or as often as you feel is necessary. It is important to go ahead and gather everything you will need before you start. And here is the equipment you will need to bath a newborn:

* 1. thick towels or a sponge-type bath cushion
* 2. soft washcloths
* 3. bath seat for basin or sink
* 4. cotton balls
* 5. baby shampoo and baby soap (non-irritating)
* 6. hooded baby towel
* 7. clean diaper and clothing

Make sure the room you are using is warm (around 75 degrees F). Place a non-skid cushion or towel at the bottom of the seat/tub so your baby will not slide around (little ones are very slippery). Run warm water (between 90 to 100 degrees or warm to the inside of your wrist) into the sink/tub. Gently undress your baby while talking in a soothing voice, explaining what you are doing. Place the baby in the water slowly.

Start with the face with just a little bit of baby soap. Next, wash the head, and continue moving downwards. When bathing your baby, make sure to clean the following areas (and creases) thoroughly: neck, ears, buttocks and groin area. Try not to get the umbilical cord area wet; gently clean with a cotton ball dipped in alcohol. And if your son is circumcised, try not to move the foreskin back when cleaning the groin area. Once you have the front clean, then finish with the back side.

Dry your baby thoroughly and then dress them. Make sure the head is completely dry. The first time may take a little bit of time because they will squirm and they are very slippery. But never take your hands off your baby. Once you both get used to this routine, it will be extremely easy. Have fun!